
Carbon Reduction Plan PPN 06 21

Mar 2024
Powell Dobson has been championing sustainable and energy efficient design since 1997, with Sustainability at the core of our design output, reflected in Powell Dobson’s commitment to staff skills and design review processes.
Powell Dobson understand that our designs will outlive the person behind the pencil, and it is our belief that the structures and spaces they create should be a legacy to be proud of, and one that will improve the lives and health of our future generations and planet Earth.
The construction process is a carbon intensive process. Materials selected, transportation to the manufacturing and construction site, installation and replacement are key areas Powell Dobson are focused on improving and moving this forward.
In 2019 the UK Government amended the Climate Change Act 2008 by introducing a target of at least a 100% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990 levels) in the UK by 2050. This is otherwise known as the ‘Net Zero’ target. Powell Dobson is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.
Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 06/21 and sets out how suppliers’ carbon reduction plans and commitment to Net Zero can be taken into account in the procurement of relevant contracts (i.e. those subject to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, with a value of £5 million per annum or above and where the measure is related and proportionate) by In-Scope Organisations. Assessment is by using the standard selection questions set out in Annex A.
The Carbon Reduction Plan is specific to Powell Dobson Architects and meets the reporting standard set by Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 06/21. Powell Dobson Architects are committed to taking steps to reducing their GHG Emissions over time and is publicly committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050.
Powell Dobson Architect’s baseline year emissions is from 2022, the most recent annual reporting data. Powell Dobson Architects are committed to updating the Carbon Reduction Plan annually, with 2023 Reporting to follow from the conclusion of the year.
For further details on this please contact us on 033 33 201 001, a copy of our summary Carbon Reduction Plan PPN 06/21 is below.