This new build 1.5 form entry 1,752m2 (GIA) primary school is located in the heart of the new Jubilee Park residential development. The school is part of a Section 106 Agreement between Newport City Council and Walters Lane. Since the 1760's, the site has had a number of industrial uses ranging from copper works to a nail factory, a gas works, iron and steel works and eventually an aluminium factory.

The main frontage and plaza of this community school are open to the public creating a seamless transition between the public open space and the main entrance which is both dynamic and welcoming. The compact two storey form features:

  • A range of nursery and primary teaching facilities.
  • A double height multi-function suite which is located adjacent to the main hall, DT facilities and reception. This facility is strategically positioned to facilitate community use.
  • 3G floodlit sports facilities for school and community use.
  • Access to river walks and broader ecological learning resources.
  • A wide range of indoor and outdoor learning settings.

The project was completed in September 2017.